Community Opportunities - 2023-2024


The Center for Civic Engagement works in partnership with public and nonprofit organizations to connect students, faculty and staff with opportunities to build community capacity and impact positive community driven change. The center would like to meet as many organizational needs as possible and by providing detailed descriptions of opportunities we can better promote your opportunities to the Davidson College community.

Roles Students Can Fill
Students may be able to support your organization in more diverse ways than you have considered. In addition to traditional direct service, students are available to assist in efforts that build organizational capacity. This allows you to achieve your goals and for students to utilize their skillsets and to connect to their academic majors. Examples of possible roles include:

  • Volunteer Management—Improve volunteer placement and tracking, update training/ curriculum, update policies/procedures, evaluate volunteer program, implement volunteer impact assessment, recruit community and/or student volunteers, plan recognition activities, develop communication tools
  • Training & Program Development—Organize training workshops, develop modules, develop curriculum for new and existing programs, develop or implement new program
  • Fundraising—Organize/ support fundraising events, identify grant or other funding sources, draft grant applications
  • Communication—Develop/ edit website and social media tools, identify potential partners, meeting logistics and minutes, create and share newsletters, write press releases
  • Research—Data collection and analysis, build or improve upon database, program assessments, oral histories, policy research and issue briefs, evidence-based practices/ model programs
  • And likely any other idea you have. Let’s work together to create mutually beneficial experiences! Please email if you have any questions or would like to discuss ideas.
Please share your one-time volunteer opportunities, ongoing volunteer and internship opportunities, and short-term projects (for groups and individuals). After you complete this form it may take up to 10 days to publish the position(s) to our site. 

The Center for Civic Engagement distributes a bi-weekly e-newsletter and ongoing social media content (@DavidsonServes) where we can promote community events as well.